International Cooperation, Research and Education Agreements

International Education, Research, and Cooperation Agreements


Georgia Tech has agreements with institutions in over 50 countries, these often take the form of memoranda of understanding (MOU).  These agreements allow for activities such as study abroad programs, faculty and student exchanges, collaborative research, dual-degree programs, seminars and workshops, and/or service programs.  International research proposals should be coordinated through the Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC).


Cooperative Agreements between Georgia Tech and other institutions are legally binding documents that must pass careful review by the academic, legal and administration offices at Georgia Tech.  Agreements can only be signed by the Provost or President when they are in the interest of the Institute.


The Office of Vice Provost for International Initiatives is responsible for coordinating and keeping international agreements that Georgia Tech has with foreign institutions. Once an agreement is signed, this office keeps an original copy of the agreement, and the partner institution keeps another copy. Photocopies may be made for anyone involved with the collaboration.



Developing an International Research, Education and Cooperation Agreements


If you have made a connection with an institution outside the U.S., and you believe it might be beneficial to Georgia Tech to form a partnership with this institution, initiating an international cooperative agreement requires the following steps.


  1. We may already have an agreement with the institution you have in mind, please check with the Office of the Vice Provost for International Initiatives (404.894.7477).
  2. Communicate your ideas to your department head and dean. You will need their approval and signature to initiate the process, so informing them about your work from the beginning is essential to developing an agreement.
  3. Consult with the Vice Provost for International Initiatives on the viability of the proposed partnership. At this stage, the appropriate entities within GT will be consulted (Office of Legal Affairs, Admissions, Bursar, OIT etc) to ensure that the necessary resources are in place to support the proposed activities. The initiating faculty will work with the VPII and appropriate campus entities to obtain the necessary feedback to modify the partnership agreements.
  4. If the proposed partnership is deemed viable, with assistance from the initiating faculty member GT will begin negotiation with the proposed partner institution, by reviewing draft agreements. GT has a draft of its standard International MOU templates for educational cooperation available for download. For samples of other cooperation agreements (e.g. dual degree) please consult the VPII’s Office
  5. Once both institutions agree to the terms and language of the agreements, signatures can be initiated. Only the President or Provost may sign these agreements for the Georgia Institute of Technology on behalf of the Board of Regents.
  6. To request official presidential signature on an international agreement, complete a Cover Sheet for International Cooperative Agreements and forward the original, signed slip to.