Table of Contents: January 1997 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Table of Contents:
March 1997
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Regular Papers
- O.E. Agazzi and N. Seshadri On the use of tentative decisions to cancel ISI and nonlinear distortion (with applications to magnetic recording channels)
- D. Yellin, A. Vardy, and O. Amrani Joint equalization and coding for ISI channels
- T.J. Willink and P.H. Wittke Optimization and performance evaluationof multicarrier modulation
- B.F. Uchoa Filho and M.A. Herro Good convolutional codes for the precoded (1-D)(1+D)^n partial response channel
- H. Lee and C.Weber Multiple symbol trellis coded modulation scheme applied to noncoherent full response continuous phase frequency shift keying
- K. Dogancay and R.A. Kennedy Blind detection of equalization errors in communication systems
- G. Morvai, S. Yakowitz, and P. Algoet Weakly convergent nonparametric forecasting for stationary time series
- H. Pezeshki-Esfahani and A.J. Heunis Strong diffusion approximations for recursive stochastic algorithms
- A. A. Zerai and J.A. Bucklew Poisson approximation for excursions of adaptive algorithms with a lattice state space
- S.R. Blackburn Fast rational interpolation, Reed-Solomon decoding and the linear complexity profiles of sequences
- T. Helleseth, T. Kloeve, and V. Levenstein On the information function of an error correcting code
- S. Shamai (Shitz), Y. Kofman, and E. Zehavi nd-Convolutional Codes – Part 1: Performance Analysis
- Y. Kofman, E. Zehavi, and S. Shamai (Shitz) nd-Convolutional Codes – Part 2: Structural Analysis
- J. Rifa and J. Pujol Translation invariant propelinear codes
- T.S. Han and M. Hoshi Interval Algorithm for Random Number Generation
- T. Linder, G. Lugosi and K. Zeger Empirical Quantizer Design in the Presence of Source Noise or Channel Noise
- K. L. Bell, Y. Steinberg, Y. Ephraim and H. L. Van Trees Extended Ziv-Zakai Lower Bound for Vector Parameter Estimation
- X. Wu Optimal binary VQ via emumeration of covering codes
- Q. Xie and A. Barron Minimax redundancy for the class of memoryless sources
- S.A. Sevari and R.G. Gallager Generalized Tunsall codes for source with memory
- R. Ahlswede, T.S. Han, and K. Kobayashi Universal coding of integers and unbounded search trees
- M.R. Titchener The synchronization of variable length codes
Correspondence Papers
- J.-C. Batllo and V. Vaishampayan Asymptotic performance of multiple description transform codes
- L. Wilelmson and K.Sh. Zigangirov On uncoordinated transmission over the T-user q-ary noiseless multiple access channel
- M. van Dijk On a special class of broadcast channels with confidential messages
- S. W. McLaughlin and A. S. Khayrallah Shaping Codes Constructed From Cost Constrained Graphs
- S. W. McLaughlin The Construction of M-ary (d,60) Codes that Achieve Capacity and Have the Fewest Number of Encoder States
- E.K. Englund and A.I. Hansson Constructive codes with unequal error protection
- H. C. Ferreira, W. A. Clarke, A. S. J. Helberg, K. A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar and A. J. Han Vinck Insertion/Deletion Correction with Spectral Nulls
- T. Li-zheng, S.C. Boob, and E.Gunawan A note on the q-ary image of q^m-ary repeated-root cyclic code
- M. Wang and I.F. Blake Normal basis of the finite field F2 over F2
- K. Huber Codes over tori
- E. Baccarelli, R. Cusani, and S. Galli Novel Analytical Performance Bounds for Symbol-by-Symbol Decoding of Digital Data Impaired by ISI and AWGN
- C.-E. D. Sterian Wei-type trellis coded modulation with 2N-D rectangular constellations for N not a power of two
- T. M. Duman and M. Salehi Optimal Quantization for Finite State Channels
- N. Merhav On List Size Exponents in Rate-Distortion Coding
- I.V. Nikiforov Two strategies in the problem of change detection and isolation
- E. Masry Polynomial interpolation and prediction of continuous-time processes from random samples
- H.-K. Hwang Optimal algorithms for inserting a random element into a random heap
- L. Linzhang and W. Sun The Minimal Eigenvalues of a Class of Block Tridiagonal Matrices